When you have written a Will, you may decide that you want to have multiple copies of it. But are there any advantages to having several copies of your Will out there?
Locating a Will can often be one of the most difficult things to do when someone dies. It is not always obvious where someone has put a Will or if one has even been written. When you have multiple copies of your Will, it becomes a little easier for a copy to be found, especially if you have given one of the copies to your executor or you have taken the trouble to register your Will. However, when we refer to copy we do mean exactly that, just a copy such as a photcopy of the original and copy should be marked as a copy. You must not sign additional versions of the original Will, if you do, you are inadvertently making each later signed Will the last Will
As most Wills are drafted on paper and stored physically rather than digitally, the threat of loss when there is only one copy is quite high, especially if the Will is stored at home. Papers often go missing, are mistaken for something unimportant and thrown out, lost in a fire, or even lost when moving house.
Though too many copies of your Will can make fraudulent copies of your Will more likely to surface, having multiple copies of the same Will can also help fake or fraudulent Wills to be identified quickly so that there is no delay to probate and your wishes are not subverted.
Even though it is a good idea to have a few different copies of your Will (remember we are referring to clearly marked copies), it is not advisable to have more than two or three copies of your Will. If you choose to have multiple copies of your Will, then you should ensure that any changes you make are updated in all copies of your Will. Copies of an old Will should all be destroyed so that there is no confusion when you die.
When you choose to have multiple copies of your Will, make sure that they are stored separately. We advise keeping one copy at home, one with your executor or solicitor and another with a Will storage service if you are not using a professional will writing service
Finally, make sure that you do not discuss the number of copies of your Will with anyone. Only you and your executor should be aware of the multiple copies of your Will and where they are stored. If family members ask about your Will, tell them about the copy you have at home to limit any possible interference.